CFSA Membership Services Update

November 25, 2015

Christmas is coming soon and CFSA has an early gift for all its members. We are happy to announce that Goal Line, our new registration system will be operational December 1st. We are confident that Goal Line will enhance our members’ registration experiences. Please find below a list of Membership Services updates.

Goal Line Registration

  1. Members can continue to register through the CFSA website via the Membership Services page. To register members must click the link that corresponds to their PSO and then complete the online registration form.
  2. Members who registered between July 1st and November 30th DO NOT need to re-register with Goal Line. Their membership data has been transferred to Goal Line. They will be sent new usernames and passwords.
  3. Previous members who have NOT RENEWED their membership MUST register as new members.

CFSA Website

Members are now able to easily access license and insurance information with one click.

Club Can Freestyle Materials

Clubs can order CanFreestyle materials through the CFSA website.

All the best this snow season!

James Anderson
CFSA Membership Services Coordinator