WHAT: For six amazing Mondays in January and February 2016, Whistler Sport Legacies in co-operation with Whistler Blackcomb will provide kids with the opportunity to get introduced to not one but many Olympic sports!
WHY: Learn new skills, improve participants’ overall physical literacy and get a taste of these exciting Olympic sports – and maybe even become a future Olympian!
WHO: Girls & boys, 9-12 years old, with intermediate/advanced alpine, snowboard or cross-country ski skills.
WHEN: Mondays January 16, 23, 30, February 6, 20, 27 from 8:30am – 3:00pm
EQUIPMENT: Specialized equipment for all disciplines will be provided. If available, participants can bring their own gear. Participants must bring their own CSA approved helmet.
COST: $300 + tax for all 6 sessions (includes ski tickets/access, lunch at WOP, transport)
REGISTER: Email – wopbookings@whistlersportlegacies.com
Get the detailed information here.