Girls Camp

December 15, 2022

The Freestyle BC Slopestyle Prospect girls came together this summer for a great week on the glacier! The camp focused on trick and skill development on snow, tramp, and ramp. Athletes also prepared for the season by completing fitness testing, strength training, and sport psych sessions at the Canada Sport Institute. Led by Danika Mazur and Shonny Charbonneau, and with guest coaching from Megan Oldham and Yuki Tsubota, the week was unforgettable! Thank you to Casey Leishman for their incredible vision with the footage. And a huge thank you to ViaSport for supporting the camp and all of our Girlstylerz initiatives! We aim to develop and deliver programs of excellence that enhance the sport experience for our female participants. πŸ“Ή: @caseyleishman5141